Total Medals Earned: 1,268 (From 221 different games.) Total Medal Score: 18,865 Points
Medals Earned: 3/4 (45/95 points)
The more thoughtful problem solver.
The more aggressive problem solver.
Beat the Game
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Medals Earned: 5/5 (200/200 points)
Accomplish your mission to find a new identity.
Find medicinal blue flowers for the good doctor
Kill a spider, save a kitty.
Eliminate the Pig Hunter
Help the town tailor find a green, furry shawl.
Medals Earned: 1/10 (10/330 points)
Wear the Vic Rattlehead mask
Reach the graveyard
Just leave
You dream your life away
You are such a sweet sweet thing
Your tears are all the pay I'll ever need
Slay 20 demon bastards
Just smash EVERY single pumpkin
Escape the Tornado of Souls
Get an autograph from Ozzy
Medals Earned: 6/14 (40/360 points)
Complete an easy level without dying
Stomp a cat
Attempt to double jump
Stomp a cat while fat
Death by spikes when fat
Complete a hard level without dying
Mid-air axe death
Get to the flag when fat
Find and use the golden bounce pad
Complete a hard level without taking damage
Find a secret area
Defeat the cat god
Vomit on the princess
Find all 3 secret areas
Medals Earned: 1/13 (5/240 points)
Got rank S in any stage
50 combos
Kill 500 enemies in total
10 times Just Defense in total
Got rank SSS in any stage
Beat the game at easy mode
Skill point upgraded to the max
Energy storage upgraded to the max
learned all skills
Beat the game at hard mode
Beat the game at normal mode
Health upgraded to the max
All parts upgraded
Medals Earned: 7/17 (160/480 points)
Get killed by a zombie.
Play through a stage consuming nothing but beer.
Unlock all weapons.
Play through every stage.
Kill Zomboss.
Kill Smileborg
Get killed by an alien.
Get killed by a robot.
Play through a stage without eating or drinking.
Get the chair all the way to ZOMG.
Get the skull all the way to Zomboss.
Play through every stage in one go using the crowbar.
Kill Zomboss with his own arm.
Kill ZOMG with the Alienator.
Kill Smileborg with the Cyber Blade T47.
Play through a stage on real man difficulty.
Medals Earned: 5/30 (35/500 points)
Welcome to Asslevania!
Reach level 2.
Don't skip the intro.
It takes a lick'n...
...and keeps on whip'n.
Follow me at NEWGROUNDS!
Check out!
Follow me on Twitter, so I don't have to shut up!
What a pile of buffalo diarrhea!
Welcome back!
Watch the whole ending.
Check out Sexual-Lobster's page.
Check out RicePirate's page.
Check out JohnnyUtah's page.
Don't skip the meeting with Johnny and Dracula.
Reach level 3
Reach level 4.
Find Alucard.
Get a little head.
Eat a pork chop!
Find the 1st hidden song.
Thats where I left that!
Never alone...
Make the haunted hallway more creepy.
Beat Time Trial in less than 3 mins.
Beat Dracula!
Reach level 5.
Medals Earned: 3/13 (20/450 points)
Finish the tutorial.
Enter a rift.
Finish the first level for each character.
Find the incomplete area.
Get at least a bronze in all Naaij levels.
Finish Mell's story.
Finish Fuzor's story.
Get at least a bronze in all Fuzor levels.
Finish Naaij's story.
Get at least a silver in all Fuzor levels.
Get at least a silver in all Naaij levels.
Get a gold in all Fuzor levels.
Get a gold in all Naaij levels.
Medals Earned: 7/9 (375/500 points)
Bully the weak.
Bully your own boss.
Real cowboys spit a lot.
Become one with the desert
Find the adult pleasure.
Walk around (almost) naked.
Complete the Game.
Defend the weak.
Sometimes it's ok to lose your head over something.
Medals Earned: 3/4 (35/40 points)
Ban him at 500 + MPH
Activated Wade mode